Free Bus Schedule

We are doing our part to help reduce traffic on our roads this show day and make our show as assessable as possible for as many community members as we can.

We do this by keeping our entry fee low, providing free parking and this year we are also offer free buses connecting Rolleston and Lincoln to the Ellesmere A&P Show!

Come and see what’s on offer – from live entertainment to sheep shearing to wood-chopping and cake baking. There’s an array of vintage machinery and cars, farm yard animals and trade displays, arts and crafts and retail therapy – all in one place at the Ellesmere A&P Show.

Bus Stop Information:
Rolleston: Selwyn District Council Car park, 2 Norman Kirk Drive, Rolleston
Lincoln: Lincoln University, Gate 1, Ellesmere Junction Road, Lincoln
Ellesmere A&P Show Grounds: 1650 Leeston Road Leeston
FREE BUS Timetable:
9.00am: Pick up Selwyn District Council car park.
9.20am: Pick up Lincoln University, Gate 1.
10.30am: Pick up Selwyn District Council car park.
10.50: Pick up Lincoln University, Gate 1.
Return Trips:
Bus leaves Show Grounds at 3pm and 4.30pm